The NKY Chamber Women’s Initiative is the leading organization for women of all career stages working toward business and professional success. Women’s Initiative creates professional development events and programs for women throughout the year to help foster connections, grow professionally and achieve their goals.

Provide opportunities for women to Connect, Grow and Achieve in business.

Annual Breakfast
Women’s Initiative's largest event featuring a keynote speaker sharing her professional achievement story. A local nonprofit and Women’s Initiative volunteer are also recognized for their contributions to the community.
Connect Hour
Women’s networking event hosted once a month by an NKY Chamber Member business and spotlights an NKY Chamber nonprofit Member. Free to both NKY Chamber Members and future Members.
Outstanding Women of Northern Kentucky Awards
This program recognizes and honors women who work, live, or volunteer in NKY and show outstanding service in their communities.
Professional Series
Professional development morning event held twice a year featuring various business-related topics presented by a panel or speaker.
Regional Summit
All-day women’s conference held each fall featuring speakers that present inspirational content for professional women. The Regional Summit is designed for all career stages of the workforce including young professionals, mid-career, senior level, entrepreneurs, encore and those transitioning careers. This regional conference draws women from Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana.
Roundtable Program
Groups of 6-8 women from different industries and career statuses meet once a month to support each other in a productive, confidential setting.
Mentoring Program
Enables a pair to meet for a one-on-one relationship for career growth over the period of one year.

Have questions about the NKY Chamber Women’s Initiative? Contact Holly Nibert, Director of the Women's Initiative, at 859-426-3651 or hnibert@nkychamber.com.